Raiders QB a big fan of Swinney: ‘Can I come back and play for you?’

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Derek Carr played at Fresno State from 2009-13, but if he could do it all over again, he might want to go back and play for Dabo Swinney. Carr and Clemson legend Hunter Renfrow were guests on the Harvester Sports …

Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Derek Carr played at Fresno State from 2009-13, but if he could do it all over again, he might want to go back and play for Dabo Swinney.

Carr and Clemson legend Hunter Renfrow were guests on the Harvester Sports Podcast this week and talked about the Tigers’ head coach.

Carr spoke about how fond he is of Swinney, saying he hears more from Swinney than even his former Fresno State coaches, and joked that he would want to come back to college and play for him.

“Dabo Swinney literally has FaceTimed me or texted me more than like my coaches that I played with in college. I promise,” Carr said. “This man FaceTimed me the other day, and it wasn’t even anything about Hunter. He’s like, ‘Hey man, keep it going. Man, so proud of you. I’m so fired up.’ I’m like, ‘Dude, you’re getting me fired up.’”

“He’s just that good of a dude,” Carr added. “He’s like the best person. I’d always mess with him (Renfrow), like, ‘Dabo’s got y’all brainwashed, man.’ And then you meet the guy and you’re like, ‘I love this guy.’ I was like, ‘Can I come back and play for you?’”

Renfrow chimed in on Swinney as well and showed a lot of love for his former coach.

“I love Coach Swinney,” Renfrow said. “He’s amazing. He cares about his players. He wants to win more than anybody. He’s passionate. He’s passionate about more than just football, which is important. You need people who care about you. If you just care about one thing and care about winning and care about football, then I don’t think you’re going to have guys play hard for you because they know you don’t care.

“So, I love Coach Swinney. I think whatever he did, whatever he does in life and whatever he chose to do – whether it be a preacher or a CEO or a janitor – whatever it is, he would be the absolute best at it. He’s an all-around great guy.”

You can watch Renfrow and Carr talk about Swinney beginning around the 29-minute mark of the following video:

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