Raiders fans should be disgusted with Mark Davis’ comments about last game in Oakland

Mark Davis has no feelings.

The Raiders, as you probably know, played their last game (yet again) in Oakland on Sunday. It didn’t go well for the team, as they lost to the Jaguars in the final minute. And it didn’t go well for the fans, who let their emotions out after the game.

It was a sad end for a fanbase that has been one of the most loyal and supportive in the league despite the franchise’s inability to rarely “Just win, baby.”

The Raiders moved out of Oakland in 1982 before coming back from Los Angeles in 1994. Last year they played in what was supposed to be their last game in Oakland but then the team had to come back to the Coliseum after they couldn’t figure out where to play while they wait for their stadium in Las Vegas to be built.

The past few years couldn’t have been fun for fans, knowing their team would be leaving them soon for Vegas.

And the owner, Mark Davis, sure didn’t really seem to care about them all that much. Look at his lack of feelings about the final game in Oakland:

I mean, how freakin heartless is that? Hard-working fans for years lined this guy’s pockets with their hard-earned cash by going to bad game after bad game and that’s how he felt about it all?

Raiders fans do deserve a lot better than Al Davis’ son as their team’s owner. But now it’s too late, of course, as they’re leaving town for the riches of Sin City.

What a joke.

[jwplayer sFxL4bTb-q2aasYxh]