Q&A: Rocco Spindler updates his recruitment, Michigan vs. ND battle

2021 Clarkston (MI) four-star offensive/defensive lineman Rocco Spindler breaks down the latest in his recruitment in this Q&A.

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Generally, with big time recruits, when we discuss their recruitment, the answers are short as the highly sought-after prospect looks to keep things close to the vest.

Such is not the case with 2021 Clarkston (MI) four-star offensive/defensive lineman Rocco Spindler.

Despite being a player on college football’s radar since he was a freshman in high school, Spindler, now on the clock in regards to an eventual decision, is quite forthcoming in his candor as far as where he stands in his recruitment.

Thus, instead of parsing what he had to say to WolverinesWire on Friday about where he stands as of current, we’re giving you the majority of what he said in what was nearly a 15 minute conversation.

(Editor’s note: Our questions have been simplified for brevity, but Spindler’s comments are presented without change.)

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Our conversation with 2021 Clarkston (MI) four-star Rocco Spindler

2021 Clarkston (MI) four-star OT/DT Rocco Spindler

What has this time been like for you, being at home and being recruited in the time of coronavirus?

“It’s been crazy, especially with this whole virus and everything. Just trying to stay healthy, hungry and humble, trying to stay safe from this virus. But coaches are blowing up my phone every day, wanting to FaceTime, do Zoom calls, sending me graphics and stuff. It’s been nuts. But, I’ve been trying to stay on top of it. It’s just hard to get some free time in. I get 80-100 texts a day.”

How do you deal with all of that? Getting so many people vying for your attention?

“I hate texting, I actually like calling better. When guys want to do interviews and stuff, I’m like, ‘Hey, can you just call, it’s easier for me.’ And I won’t lose it in another text or something. I try to stay on top of it as much as I can but sometimes I take some breaks, be with my family, have some down time, play some video games, blow off some steam and go lift or something. I try to prioritize it, just trying to do the best I can with it.”

With Michigan, we assume they’re still coming after you with a team effort?

“Warinner, Coach Harbaugh, Matt Dudek – those three guys have really been after me.”

How did we forget that Dudek is your guy?!

“Yeah, Dudek is my guy. He’s been mostly in charge of all this and really coming after me.”

You tweeted out that Michigan graphic that featured you and your dad. It seemed like that really resonated? 

“It’s a special moment, because my father was in my shoes, he was one of the best players in the country at the time. Really he kinda stays out of it as much as he can, but I look up to him so much. There’s big shoes to fill, but he lets me create my own path. His draft day didn’t go as expected, but the things, the sacrifices he made to get to where he is now and really I look at how Michigan really captured that. I hope to God I can play at the highest level. They definitely did a fantastic job with that graphic.”

We get the perception that this is Michigan vs. Notre Dame battle. How true is that?

“Yeah, it’s very accurate. Those schools have been around me since my freshman year. They’re great academic schools, great football teams and they put a lot of guys in the NFL. The networking at both of those schools are unbelievable. You can’t get that anywhere else. Of course they would be at the top of my picks.”

What is it that you like about both schools, staring with Notre Dame?

“I love their campus. I’m an old school type of guy, so when you get on their campus, it’s just tradition, it’s history there. That’s what resonates with me. Those guys are all there at the same time, they’re all competing for the same thing. They all wanna help each other and really get everybody to the next level and eventually hire them as a business partner or something. Those guys all love each other and they all want to be there for the same reasons: they all want to be challenged.”

And Michigan?

“With Michigan, I also see a brotherhood there. Great coaching staff, the facilities there are unbelievable. I truly believe they’re the best facilities in college football. I can just tell that they really, truly want to win and I really believe they have the guys there, the coaching staff is there. I just feel like they’ve gotta figure out one or two things to be a national championship team.”

Could you be one of those things missing? A guy who could help bring a national championship to Michigan?

“I truly believe – Coach Harbaugh has said since my freshman year that I’m the top guy in this class to get, because it’s gonna be a domino effect. You get me you’re probably gonna get three or four other guys that come with me. That’s a big thing. I’m truly blessed to be in that position because my decision could definitely help a team or it could definitely hurt a team. Will just have to wait and see.”

Every time you tweet, seems like you have Michigan and Notre Dame players and recruits in your mentions.

How much have those guys been recruiting you? What’s your bond like?

“Blake Fisher, Pat Coogan – those guys are really coming after me. We play Fortnite all the time, we talk (on) FaceTime. We really are bonding almost like we’re teammates.

“Same thing with Michigan. Braiden McGregor, J.J. (McCarthy), Giovanni (El-Hadi) – we’re all talking all the time and we’re trying to be like a brotherhood from that standpoint, I guess. And it’s something special because that’s something I look forward to. I don’t want to be a part of a team that only cares about themselves and wants to play in the NFL and makes hundreds of millions of dollars. I want to be on a team where we truly care about each other. You want to engage, you want to see the best out of each other.”

At this point, what else are you looking for? What’s left for you to learn so that you can make your college choice?

“I’m hoping this virus passes and blows over I guess, because I had my commitment date May 15, and I’m gonna take all five of my official visits/ One last little hoo rah, one last little sales pitch with each coach. And that’s really gonna set who’s got the best to offer. I really gotta hear them out at these official visits because that’s what it’s gonna come down to because it’s neck and neck I would say with all five of these schools. It’s really, really close. Some people believe that I’m leaning more this way than that way and others believe it’s the other way around. But when I say it’s super, super close it’s really between these five teams.”

What are the other three schools?

“I can’t really release those yet. I haven’t dropped my top 5. I plan on doing that pretty soon here.”

When do you want to get things wrapped up then?

“Hopefully the NCAA allows us to take the whole summer to take all of our official visits and get rid of one of their dead period times, so it just allows us to get back on campus since we haven’t been there in three months. As soon as this blows over, get back on campus, take my five official visits and then probably one to two weeks later, I’ll have a big commitment day with those five schools. It’ll probably be on the football field and I’ll pick a hat.”

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