Q: Not a lot of people knew the entire …

Q: Not a lot of people knew the entire story of your dad’s background. Dan Grunfeld: “It’s not something my dad has ever concealed. It’s known. They did a “30 For 30” on him and Bernard. It’s in there – Ernie Grunfeld is the son of Holocaust survivors. In the book, you’ll see his journey. Basketball came out of nowhere and changed the trajectory of my family, and it gave my dad a new life in America. There’s never been a reason to look back much on all these painful things. It’s a hard history. He never had grandparents. They were all killed in the Holocaust. That’s very difficult stuff, so on a human level, you empathize with that. I talk a lot in my book about privilege. I’m privileged in many ways, and one of them is that I have a generation of separation from that tragedy. I can write about it with some distance. My dad never had that luxury. He was so close to it. There has been some catharsis in certain ways (for my dad). It’ll never be easy, for anyone, myself included. Again, I go back to my grandma. Just because stories are difficult doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be told. I think certainly everyone in my family is happy I told it.”