Pro wrestling world comes together on social media to remember Terry Funk, dead at 79

Terry Funk, a legendary figure in pro wrestling, died this week at 79. Here are some of the top tributes from the many people he influenced.

Few figures in the pro wrestling industry touched as many lives as Terry Funk. From working with legends like Jack Brisco, Harley Race and Jerry Lawler early in his career, to teaming with brother Dory in Japan, to becoming the godfather of the hardcore style that helped get ECW off the ground, Funk accomplished enough in his 50-plus years in the business to fill several careers — and that’s before even getting to his work in WCW and WWE.

That’s why so many people were saddened to hear that Funk had died at age 79. It seems like almost everyone in the industry has a Funk story to share; some funny, some incredible, some inspiring, but all of them heartfelt.

Read on for some of the top tributes to a true legend of pro wrestling, one who will never be forgotten, as we add our condolences to those going out to Funk’s family and friends.