Pro Bowl to demo more potential rule changes

The Pro Bowl will try out two new rule changes this year.

As has become customary with the Pro Bowl, the NFL is going to demo some potential rule changes this year. They’ve tinkered in the past with the width of the goalposts and even a two-minute warning at the end of each quarter.

But this time around it seems the focus is on looking at a world without kickoffs. Here’s how the rule would break down for teams after a score.

1. Team A may elect to give Team B the ball at Team B’s 25-yard line, beginning a new series of downs with a first-and-10.

2. Team A may elect to take the ball at its own 25-yard line for a fourth-and-15 play. If Team A is successful in making a first down, Team A will maintain possession and a new series of downs will continue as normal. If Team A is unsuccessful in making a first down, the result will be a turnover on downs and Team B will take possession at the dead-ball spot.

If the league wants to eliminate kickoffs this would certainly do it. I’m largely indifferent to the notion of kickoffs or not but if dumping it reduces injuries, so be it.

The second rule change the NFL is going to try is essentially allowing wide receivers to take a step at the snap without being called for a false start penalty. It’s a very CFL thing to do and just leans the rules even more to favor the passing offense. Not a fan.

What do you all think of these proposed rule changes the NFL wants to try out?

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