Presidents Cup fans taunted Patrick Reed on the first tee about cheating

“Patrick are you really going to make your caddy carry 14 clubs and a shovel?!”

Patrick Reed made news last week when he was caught blatantly cheating at the Hero World Challenge. If you missed it, he moved sand behind his ball with his club, which is a no-no, not once, but twice and he did it right in front of a TV camera.

It wasn’t a great look for him.

Now he’s a part of the US Presidents Cup team that is competing against the International Team at the legendary Royal Melbourne Golf Club in Australia.

And the fans Down Under were waiting for him as they taunted him before he hit his first tee shot on the first day of the event.

One fan yelled out asking Reed if he had his caddie carrying 14 clubs and a shovel:

Reed then hit his first tee shot… in the bunker. And fans loved it:

Fans on Twitter had some fun with him: