President Trump scheduled to host phone call with sports industry groups

President Trump scheduled to host phone call with sports industry groups.

WASHINGTON — The sports world remains on hold as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump discussed the importance of sports returning in the near future and his acknowledgment of citizens missing games being played.

“We want to get our sports back, so importantly,” Trump said. “These will be some separate calls. Some will be together by the wait lists and some will be separate, but we have to get our sports back.

“I’m tired of watching baseball games that are 14 years old, but I haven’t actually had too much time to watch. I would say maybe I watch one batter and then I get back to work.”

Trump is scheduled to host a phone call today with sports industry groups in the Oval Office at 3:30 p.m. ET.

Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
United States President Donald J. Trump, joined by members of the Coronavirus Task Force, delivers remarks on the COVID-19 pandemic in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington D.C., U.S. on Monday, April 6, 2020. The United States has now reached 10,000 deaths caused by the novel Coronavirus, as officials debate the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, a drug used to treat malaria, to also treat the Coronavirus. Credit: Stefani Reynolds / CNP