Predicting the Celtics’ final record, playoff seeding with 11 games left

With the end of the regular season in sight, this is where we see Boston ending up when the postseason arrives.

Don’t look now but the 2020-21 season is nearly over for the 32 – 29, sixth-place Boston Celtics, with just 11 games left to play on their schedule before the start of the 2021 NBA Playoffs midway through next month..

With that short of a list of games to work with, a general idea about the overall health and makeup of the team’s roster and some trends evident in their opponents along such lines as well, we have a pretty solid shot at being able to guess what sort of a record the Celtics are going to have come the evening of May 16.

Let’s take a look at what’s left of the schedule, and try predicting Boston’s final record based off of what we know about the Celtics and their opponents.