Poll: If Vikings players kneel during the national anthem, will you stop watching?

Are you OK with Vikings players taking a knee during the national anthem this season?

Not only has George Floyd’s death led to protests across the country, but players have spoken out in order to cause change within the NFL.

Floyd died after being detained by police in Minneapolis on May 25. Since then, athletes like Vikings linebackers Anthony Barr and Eric Kendricks have challenged the NFL to support the fight for justice and system reform.

NFL players kneeling during the anthem is a topic that has come up lately.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell released a video where the league apologized for not allowing players to protest and letting everyone know they support it.

When quarterback Colin Kaepernick was in the league, he kneeled during the anthem pregame, as a protest to police brutality and racial inequality in the United States.

Recently, former White House press secretary and NFL executive Joe Lockhart wrote for CNN about why the Vikings should sign Kaepernick.

Lockhart said that “as a small, but important step, the owners of the Minnesota Vikings, Zygi and Mark Wilf, can send a strong message by offering Colin Kaepernick a contract to play with the Vikings.”

Would you be all right with Minnesota players taking a knee during the anthem in light of recent events?

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