Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Mystery Gift codes and how to redeem them

How to redeem Mystery Gifts and all currently available codes in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

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Update: Dec. 7, 2023

We’ve updated our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mystery Gift code list with the Indigo Disk announcement’s new codes, one for a shiny Lucario and one for a Darkrai.

Original Story: Nov. 29, 2023

A brand new Pokémon generation is finally upon us, and everyone is still scrambling to remember the names of the new monsters that Scarlet & Violet have introduced. But avid collectors are already on the path to catching ‘em all, and if you need a bit of a leg up in that task, you can always look to Mystery Gifts.

The Mystery Gift function has become a Pokémon staple, and in Scarlet & Violet you can still use it in order to get more items in your game, allowing you to get further, faster. It’s as simple as that, and you can even get a handful of rare Pokémon while using the function too. For a full breakdown of how to use Mystery Gift and the items you can get right now, just take a look at our guide below.

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