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Niantic announced a new Pokemon GO update aimed to improve your multiplayer experience in the mobile game. The Party Play update is live now and lets you team up with three other people to tackle challenges and catch Pokemon together.
Party Play introduces new party-themed challenges to help you scoop up more XP and other rewards as you complete them. These show up when you first form or join a party, and you can all choose which ones to complete, ranging from catching certain Pokemon to battling in raids, and spinning PokeStops.
Speaking of raids, you get a handy new power boost when you complete raids in Party Play. The team can pull off a Party Power move, which doubles the power of your charged attacks. It charges every time you use a fast attack, so it should be a convenient way to get through tough Raid battles quickly.
Creating a party only takes a few steps.
- Open your trainer profile
- Tap the new “Party” tab
- Choose “create”
You can choose to get a QR code or a numerical code, like Nintendo’s friend codes, to share with up to three other nearby trainers. A party can be just two trainers, though, so you don’t have to have four people involved.
To join, open the party tab and select “join,” where you can input your code and get started. You can see other party members’ avatars on your in-game map and share party highlights for everyone to see.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF