PODCAST: Justin Roper

PODCAST: Justin Roper

Justin Roper is a coach on the rise in college football.

Roper was hired as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at Holy Cross in 2020. He comes to Holy Cross after serving as quarterbacks coach at FCS Northern Iowa for the 2019 season.

Roper was offensive coordinator at Division II Slippery Rock (2016-18) and quarterbacks coach for Valdosta State (2014-15). He also coached running backs at Division II Findlay in 2013.

A Buford, Georgia native, and growing up a fan of Tennessee’s Peyton Manning, Roper’s collegiate playing career took place at Oregon under offensive coordinators Chip Kelly (2007-08) and Jonathan Smith at Montana (2009-10).

Smith, now Oregon State’s head coach, showcases a spread offense out of the shotgun and one-back sets. Smith’s offense has zone-read concepts that also features bigger tight ends as H-backs.

Kelly, now serving as UCLA’s head coach, runs a zone-read option attack that sets up the passing game. Kelly’s offense also showcases a power run game and pin and pull sweeps.

Roper has been around many different offensive minds as a player and coach, including the Air Raid scheme at Valdosta State.

The Holy Cross offensive coordinator joined the show “Tennessee Two-A-Days” to discuss his playing and coaching career.

The show can be listened to here or below.

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