Josh Okogie almost missed the text. It …

Josh Okogie almost missed the text. It was 10 days after the NBA season was suspended, and the Minnesota Timberwolves wing was sleeping in. But he woke up to a message that the team had organized a conference call with world-renowned motivational speaker Eric Thomas — also known as “ET The Hip-Hop Preacher.” “I wasn’t even going to join it but when I saw it was ET, I had to hear him. I joined the call and he was talking about how the ball is still bouncing,” Okogie said. “He was talking about how the season is suspended and the physical ball isn’t still bouncing, but just because the ball stops bouncing on the court, it doesn’t mean the ball stops bouncing in life. “And all the coaches were like, ‘Wow.’ Even I was like, ‘Wow.’”