Cody Zeller calls LaMelo Ball a unique player, says sky is the limit for the rookie

As he continues to establish himself within the team and the league, LaMelo Ball is leaving a mark on his teammates.

For many reasons, LaMelo Ball’s ascension into the starting lineup and – success once he’s arrived – is remarkable. Ball’s path to the NBA has been documented but prior to this season, he had just 12 games of legitimate professional basketball experience as a starter.

But Ball has hit the ground running, adapting on the fly improving every step of the way in his rookie season. With each passing game, Ball continues to improve, something teammate Cody Zeller recently marveled at.

“It’s crazy how quickly he’s picked up on stuff,” he said. “As a rookie, even the first couple of years, you don’t really know what to expect from a guy. It takes a while to get used to the NBA. But you’ve seen his progression even over 40 games. He’s a confident kid. He has a short memory.

“Regardless of whether he plays well or plays bad in a game, we have confidence that he’s going to come back to play well the next game. He’s been great. It’s been really impressive to see his growth even through a short season so far.”

Ball’s latest game against the Lakers in his first trip back home to Los Angeles served as the most recent reminder of how talented the rookie is. His 20-point second half drew praise from LeBron James and nearly helped the Hornets to a comeback victory in the final two periods.

As much as he’s brought to the team statistically, Ball’s mindset and attitude has been just as important to the Hornets. Zeller, who is in his eighth year in the league, noted as well that he’s never been around a rookie like Ball.

“He’s unique,” he said. “He’s a lot of fun to be around as well. So he’s been great for our team just (because) he’s always a happy kid, he’s always in a good mood, he always brings a lot of energy to the building. And then on the court, obviously he opens up so much for us with his passing ability, and then he’s been able to score even better the last 15 or 20 games.

“The sky’s the limit. It’ll be fun to see him kind of move forward and progress.”