Pirates manager and ump calmly put on their masks before heated argument after ejection

It’s important to social distance and wear your masks, even when arguing with an ump.

Everything in sports looks different these days as everyone is doing their best  to make sure the health of all those involved remains the most important thing during the global pandemic.

On Sunday we saw that arguments between MLB managers and umpires look different in 2020, too.

Pirates manager Derek Shelton wasn’t happy that home plate umpire Jordan Baker ejected Derek Holland (who was sitting the stands/dugout) so he calmly put on his mask and went out to argue the decision. The ump then calmly put on his mask and the two had their argument.

Shelton at one point put his mask down, which isn’t ideal, but this was an argument unlike any we’ve ever seen:

Twitter loved it:

[jwplayer xMNuP9Tb-q2aasYxh]