Photo Gallery: Ducks look ugly, but come out victorious against Idaho

Photo Gallery: It wasn’t how anyone pictured it, but the Ducks came out on top to defeat Idaho 24-14 Saturday at Autzen.

There was a crowd of nearly 58,000 fans that packed Autzen Stadium on Saturday to watch the season debut of the 2024 Oregon Ducks football team.

And what they saw had to shock a lot of them.

Bottom line is that Oregon won the game 24-14 over the Idaho Vandals, but it was ugly and a lot closer than it should have been. The Ducks came into the game as 44-point favorites and they didn’t come close to covering.

In fact, it was 14-7 Ducks at the end of third quarter and everyone was on the edge of their seats of benches. Fortunately, the Ducks prevailed as they ultimately outlasted the smaller Vandal team, but for a while there, things were a bit hairy.

On a 90-degree day and a closer score than predicted, it didn’t stop the Autzen faithful from having a grand ole time. Here are the best pictures from the 2024 season opener.