Phil Mickelson had fans in awe with how he broke down a chip shot and then almost sunk it

This was some fantastic TV from Phil Mickelson.

The Match is underway right now as Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning are taking on Phil Mickelson and Tom Brady on a rainy afternoon in Florida.

The trash talking has been fun so far, including Manning making things awkward with a Bill Belichick joke directed at Brady.

The golf has been… OK, too. I wish the weather was better as they’ve been playing a steady rainfal, which isn’t too much fun if you’ve ever played golf.

But you know what has been fun? Moments like this one below where Mickelson walked us through his thoughts on a chip shot and then almost sunk it:

Charles Barkley, who is in the booth, had a great take on it:

Golf fans watching, including JJ Watt, loved it:

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