Patriots social media uses Pat Beverley camera moment to troll NFL refs

Patriots social media used the Patrick Beverley camera moment to throw this hilarious jab at NFL officiating.

The New England Patriots’ social media had a little fun at the expense of NFL officials with one of their funniest troll jobs in recent memory.

It was a post that revisited the controversial overturned touchdown catch by Patriots tight end Hunter Henry in the team’s Thanksgiving game against the Minnesota Vikings. The mere mention of that play is enough to make diehard Patriots fans lose their minds.

A win in that game would have gone a long way towards helping the team make the playoffs, but they ended up losing after a slew of questionable calls by the officiating crew.

On Monday, the Patriots’ social media team uploaded a doctored image featuring NBA player and Los Angeles Lakers guard Patrick Beverley holding up a camera. Beverley brought a camera on the court in an effort to show the referees a call he believed they got wrong during the Lakers game with the Boston Celtics.

However, in the doctored image, the camera Beverley is holding shows Henry stretching out for the overturned touchdown catch against the Vikings.

The Patriots went on to lose that game to the Vikings 33-26. That defeat played a significant role in them failing to make the playoffs for the second time in three seasons.

So it’s certainly understandable why some would feel the need to clap back, even with the 2022 season clearly in the rearview.

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