Patriots coach Jerod Mayo can empathize with Cole Strange this way

Jerod Mayo can empathize with Patriots OL Cole Strange

Patriots Coach Jerod Mayo and offensive guard Cole Strange have at least one thing in common, and it isn’t the best similarity.

ESPN’s Mike Reiss mentioned in his Sunday notes column that Strange is dealing with a torn patellar tendon in his right knee. That’s the same injury Mayo dealt with back in 2014.

So Mayo might have been talking from experience when he said Strange’s timetable for a return was “month-to-month.” Strange has battled injuries throughout his NFL career.

Now entering his third season, he could be facing one of his toughest comebacks yet. Reiss wrote:

So when Mayo previously said that Strange was in the “month-to-month” category, and that every player other than Strange is tracking to be available health-wise by the first few weeks of training camp, he was speaking from first-hand experience of the challenging comeback Strange hopes to make.

Strange’s rehab process is going to be important over the next couple of months.

Mayo’s experience with the injury could be an asset for the offensive guard on the road to recovery. The Patriots will have their work cut out for them in filling his role on the roster.

A recent report suggested the possibility that Strange could miss the first half of the season.