Pass interference penalties will not be reviewable in 2020

After just one season, the NFL has reversed course and will no longer allow pass interference to be reviewed in the 2020 season.

After just one year, the NFL has ruled that pass interference penalties will not be reviewable again in 2020, according to NFL Competition Committee Chairman Rick McKay.

The rule allowing pass interference penalties to be reviewed via coaching challenges was highly-anticipated heading into the 2019 season, particularly after the debacle in the NFC Championship game in New Orleans last year, but the NFL referees made it clear they had little intention of overturning even the most obvious of pass interference calls – making it seem like a foregone conclusion that the rule would only last one season.

Coach Pete Carroll was among the most proactive coaches in attempting to challenge pass interference plays, and while he won one early in the year he was not successful otherwise – and often his challenges were ruled against in a very short period of time, leading some to believe the officials never had any intention of overturning the call on the field.

The NFL will go back to the way things were previously, and you can bet that until the league starts to take the inconsistencies in pass interference seriously, it will continue to be a sore spot for fans, coaches, and players during the 2020 season.

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