Excuse Me (2015: Week 1 vs. Jacksonville Jaguars)
A sloppy 2014, a season that still ended in another division title, gave way to nearly immaculate 2015 for Carolina. They opened the year in Jacksonville, where Cam delivered a throw that has to be seen in coaches’ film to believe.
The 17-yard completion to Ginn, at initial glance, looks pretty damn good. But, from an another angle, it’s just flat out absurd.
Um . . . what?
Like, how can you even do that with a football?
Excuse Me, Part Deux (2015: Week 14 vs. Atlanta Falcons)
Keeping on the theme of Newton putting some sort of voodoo on the ball, take a few looks at this touchdown. He put a little stank on it and found Ed Dickson from four yards out.
Is that a curveball? Maybe a slider?
Either way, this heat-seeking missile finds its mark.