Panthers had one of NFL’s most engaged, positive female fan bases in 2021

The Panthers, who haven’t given their faithful much to be happy about, had one of the NFL’s most engaged and positive female fan bases in 2021.

The Carolina Panthers didn’t give their fans much to be invested in throughout the 2021 campaign. Regardless, the faithful—particularly its female segment—came out strong.

A recent study from set out to determine the inclusivity of each NFL team, gauging “online discussion” by both male and female fans from December 2020 to December 2021. The findings produced two sets of rankings—one based off the share of engagement from the latter gender and the other off how much positive sentiment their teams received from its peeps.

Carolina’s female backers ranked eighth in engagement at 17.5 percent. They slotted in behind the New England Patriots (17.6), Green Bay Packers (17.8), Seattle Seahawks (18.2), Kansas City Chiefs (20.6), New Orleans Saints (20.6), Buffalo Bills (20.8) and Dallas Cowboys (21.5).

Additionally, they ranked even higher in their positive sentiment—mapping out at fifth overall with 36.8 percent. By comparison, male Panthers fans were positive in 31.3 percent of their interactions.

Considering Carolina wrapped up their campaign with seven straight losses and just two wins over their final 14 games—bravo to the men and women (especially) who stuck in there until the bitter end.

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