Panthers, Brian Burns ‘having conversations’ about long-term extension

Brian Burns, who wants to remain a Panther, told reporters that conversations about a long-term extension are ongoing.

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It seems like a matter of when, not if, the Carolina Panthers strike a long-term extension with Brian Burns. But if you’re wondering when “when” will come, don’t ask him.

The two-time Pro Bowl pass rusher spoke with reporters following Tuesday’s session of mandatory minicamp. And Burns, of course, was asked about the looming deal.

“We’re havin’ conversations,” Burns replied. “It’s about the most I could say about it.”

He did, however, say a bit more about it. Burns was then asked of when he’d like to wrap up those talks.

“I don’t have a preference really,” he said. “I’m just kinda blessed to be even in that talk and in that opportunity to have that. So right now, I’m just enjoyin’ the process and enjoyin’ everything that comes with it.”

That process, according to Burns, doesn’t have a timeline either.

“I don’t have a timeline,” he added. “I know I wanna be a Panther, that’s all I can tell you. I wanna be a Panther and, like I said, I can’t preach this anymore—I’m truly blessed to be in this position. It’s just like a dream come true just to have these kinda talks. So, it’s how I look at it.”

Burns, who is healing up from offseason ankle surgery, did not participate in the afternoon activities. But he is, apparently, eager to get back it at—when that ankle and that contract are good to go.

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