Our leading CFB preview publications (print and digital) and where they rank Georgia

Here’s a look at the leading college football preview publications — three of which still print magazines and two that have switched to digital.

The top College Football Preview magazines are filled with loads of team and conference information and expert analysis. Each publication, whether it now be print or digital, provides details that help fuel the spirited debate among college fans. Georgia, the defending national champions, are listed in the top 5 in every poll, with Alabama picked at No. 1 in almost every publications this offseason.

As we enter the lazy, dog days of summer, our attention turns to college football’s fourth season…….preseason, where every team is a potential conference champion and the hopes run high among every college fan.

We’re really down to just three remaining magazines: Phil Steele, Lindy’s and Athlon. Both ESPN and Sporting News have since moved to digital previews only, however, in the spirit of nostalgia we included their previews.

As a bonus, at the end of the season, we will review the preseason predictions and rate each of the magazines. So pick up your favorite publication and satisfy your inner David Pollack.