One prominent agent told me that many …

One prominent agent told me that many of his clients don’t support the bubble concept. When I asked which issue led to the most hesitation – social justice, the novel coronavirus, injury fears or being sequestered, the agent replied, “All of the above.” This wasn’t some Hail Mary attempt by Irving to destroy a plan that has been in the works for a long time. The parameters of the NBA’s strategy to execute the bubble are being written daily in pencil, with adjustments made according to the information at hand. The NBPA wants to ensure the safety of its constituents while also limiting the financial losses of one of the more draining campaigns, both economically and emotionally. In voicing his disapproval in the relative infancy of the planning, Irving has given the league and the union time to address the myriad concerns of those asked to execute an unprecedented effort to keep basketball fans engaged.