Now that Joseph and Rhodes are cut, here are three predictions for the Vikings going forward

The Vikings terminated the contracts of Linval Joseph and Xavier Rhodes. Now, they have some decisions to make. Here are three predictions for the team.

2. The Vikings will re-sign Mackensie Alexander

Photo by Billie Weiss/Getty Images

Minnesota has a plethora of decisions to make when it comes to the defensive back core. Rhodes might not be back, or he might re-sign for cheap, and there are also corners like Mackensie Alexander and Trae Waynes entering free agency.

The team might not have the money to re-sign Anthony Harris, unless it starts to cut some more players and maybe makes a trade.

However, Alexander is affordable and has been very good in his nickel corner slot. Nickel corner can be a tough adjustment for some young NFL corners who are used to being out wide all the time in high school and college, but Alexander has proven to be pretty good at nickel. And, he could almost certainly play out wide if that was necessary. Maybe the Vikings would want to add another cornerback besides Alexander, Mike Hughes, and the reserves they have right now, but Alexander coming back would still greatly help this team.