Notre Dame vs. Alabama in Week One?

With the rearranging going on in college football scheduling, could Notre Dame and Alabama be meeting up? One man with some power says yes.

Everything is clearly up in the air in regards to college football in 2020.  As Notre Dame fans know, cancellations of all out-of-conference games by the Big Ten and Pac-12 in the last week or so have created quite the fallout in terms of scheduling.

That’s not just for Notre Dame but for literally any team that was scheduled to play a Big Ten or Pac-12 foe out-of-conference this fall.

Another team that lost their date with USC is Alabama, who had their week one fling in Dallas cancelled.  However, according the President and CEO of the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl, a replacement for USC might come in the form of Notre Dame.

Gary Stokan is the President and CEO of the Chick-Fil-A Bowl and the annual Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game and is a man that would at least certainly know if those conversations have been had.  He made those comments above on the Thom Abraham Show on Friday afternoon.

Brian Kelly admitted earlier this week that Notre Dame wasn’t worried about filling out a schedule because their “phone was ringing off the hook” with different schools looking to add the Irish.

Was Alabama or the Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game one of those calls?

I both love and hate the idea of potentially playing Alabama in the first week of the season.

I love it because of what Brian Kelly and many others have said about scheduling at Notre Dame – the three A’s:

Anybody, anytime, anywhere.

Powerhouse Alabama in Week One in Tuscaloosa, South Bend or Dallas would certainly fit that mold.

And it provides a chance for a marquee win right out of the shoot, something Notre Dame has had very few of in recent decades.

But it could also end in a loss, either a heart-breaker or complete blowout, that could send the 2020 season into a tailspin quickly.

As intimidating as it would be to see Alabama in Week One of the regular season, why run from it?

If the goal is a national championship, you’ve got to get by Alabama or the SEC Champion at some point anyway. Why not do that to start the year?

For now I’ll just hope we get college football in any capacity this year before I start the “We Want Bama!” chants.