Notre Dame to Reopen Campus for Fall Semester

Huge news out Monday as the University of Notre Dame has announced they’ll reopen campus for fall semester, starting in August.

In addition to the Research Task Force, two other groups of administrators, faculty and staff are working on all aspects of the reopening of the campus:

  • The Academic Continuity Working Group has made recommendations about the academic calendar, the modes of delivering instruction and ensuring flexibility should circumstances change.
  • The Medical/Health/Operations Working Group is attending to the various steps needed to keep the campus healthy and safe for everyone who resides and works at Notre Dame.

“These groups have developed plans and are giving me the information I need to make decisions,” Father Jenkins wrote. “In addition, we have met with a Faculty Advisory Committee.  I have discussed with this committee key recommendations of the working groups and shared with them my own thinking.”

Father Jenkins encouraged every member of the campus community “to be flexible and adopt behaviors that will make our campus as safe as it can be. In the new normal we are facing, we will need to ask everyone to accept some inconveniences and adopt behavioral norms and practices necessary to protect the health of every member of our community.”

Father Jenkins’ letters are available here.