Notre Dame possibly nearing making another offensive coordinator offer

Is Marcus Freeman going to spend his Friday night making a formal job offer?

The week-long journey to find Notre Dame’s next offensive coordinator may be drawing to an end. After Marcus Freeman and the Irish were turned down by Kansas State offensive coordinator Collin Klein, an offer to another finalist may soon be made.

Heather Dinich of ESPN, who broke the news that Klein was taking his name out of the running, reported early Friday evening that Utah offensive coordinator Andy Ludwig may soon be next up. According to Dinich, Ludwig is expected on campus tonight and an offer may follow quickly.

Ludwig easily has the most experience of any candidate Notre Dame has reportedly been in contact with. Most recently he has helped lead Utah to consecutive Pac-12 titles and Rose Bowl appearances.

Find out much more about Ludwig, including which former No. 1 NFL draft pick he helped develop, by reading his candidate profile we put together earlier in the week.

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