Notre Dame: Media for athletic events must be fully vaccinated

Get vaccinated, or don’t go to campus to cover anything.

With nearly half the country being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, life is looking a lot more normal both now and for the rest of 2021. For example, Notre Dame Stadium will have full capacity for the upcoming football season. However, normalcy at Notre Dame will come with the stipulation that all of its students on campus as well as its faculty and staff be fully vaccinated for the fall semester. The university now is extending that stipulation to any media member planning to come to campus to cover athletic events:

By doing this, Notre Dame is taking a hard stance against any opportunity the virus has at running rampant again through its community. Beat reporters particularly will be on campus frequently, so it makes sense that they should be held to the requirement. They practically are university employees without actually being them. But whether reporters come from South Bend or far away, the message is loud and clear: If you haven’t been vaccinated, stay away from our campus.