Notre Dame 2023 will be judged by the Big 3

Players come to Notre Dame to play in huge games. How they fare in three huge ones in 2023 will tell story of the season.

Every team that plays Notre Dame has the game circled years in advance. If the game isn’t the top game on their slate, it’s No. 2 only losing out to historical traditional matchups, often in-conference. Everybody wants to beat Notre Dame. This is why Notre Dame has no easy games. Even those who enter the game severely undermanned are extra motivated by the idea of knocking off the Irish and being able to brag about it forever (Marshall).

From the Notre Dame side, however, it’s physically and emotionally impossible for Irish fans and players to be naturally amped for all 12 games to the same degree. Certain games generate buzz, grudges, points to prove, recruiting ground to gain and involve rivalry trophies to earn back.

Notre Dame has three such games in 2023. Each presents unique challenges and stakes. Let’s break them down.