North Dakota’s Luke Silvernale somehow turned a fumbled punt snap into a special teams miracle

How did he save this??

North Dakota punter Luke Silvernale made lemonade out of lemons on Saturday by saving what could’ve been a special teams disaster against Iowa State.

With his team trailing 14-3 and punting it back to the Cyclones, Silvernale fumbled the punt snap before the kick and had to freelance a rugby-style kick to salvage whatever he could with the attempt.

Well, the ball took a bunch of bounces in Silvernale and North Dakota’s favor and somehow landed in the perfect position for a Fighting Hawks player to stop the roll at the Iowa State two-yard line.

We have absolutely no idea how Silvernale was able to save this punt and make it a gigantic special teams win for North Dakota, but you can bet that this isn’t one you can teach in practice. This takes guts and skill.

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