No one expects Kazuchika Okada, Mercedes Moné in the Royal Rumble

The Rainmaker and Sasha Banks at WWE Royal Rumble would be fun, but it doesn’t look like they’re on the way.

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One thing pro wrestling teaches us again and again is that you never know. All indicators were that CM Punk was unlikely to return to WWE in time for Survivor Series, but then a last minute deal came together and lo and behold, there he was, right at the end of the show.

So we go into this weekend’s Royal Rumble in St. Petersburg knowing full well that perhaps WWE can pull something similar off with arguably the two hottest free agents around, Kazuchika Okada and Mercedes Moné. It just doesn’t look like it would be wise to get your hopes up for either one.

Pro wrestling insiders are united on this. PWInsider says neither Okada nor Moné are currently scheduled for the Rumble. Fightful Select (subscription required) got perhaps the best quote we’ve ever heard about the possibility of a talent appearing with regard to Moné: “Well, we’re not really interested in contract tampering with her, so I doubt it.”

Why this attitude? It’s because as Dave Meltzer repeated in this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter (subscription required), both of them could be starting with AEW soon.

Regarding Kazuchika Okada and Mercedes Mone, the belief from this side is that both will be starting soon. Mone was doing acting work but there is talk her debut will be played up extremely big and that announcement could be soon. She has been back training to return to the ring. Her coming to AEW was expected for months, even before they showed her at Wembley. But she did negotiate with WWE after that and while they were far apart on money, unless the contract is signed nothing is a lock. For Okada, the last word was that he had not made up his mind. I know people here range from hopeful to I’d perceive as confident he will be coming.

Meltzer added that even if Okada ultimately decides to head to WWE, he believes the company would wait until WrestleMania to debut him.

So yes, The Rainmaker could be in the Rumble this weekend, and Sasha Banks could be back. We just wouldn’t get your heart set on that, since it’s very likely to get broken.

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