No, Jordan Love did not call Bears fans his daddy on Father’s Day, come on

Or, how a friendly “happy Father’s Day” can fuel one of the NFL’s oldest rivalries.

The internet is a dumb place to begin with. But toss in a bunch of bored NFL fans in the dead of the offseason searching for something to argue about and you’ll see how dumb it can get.

That’s how one Chicago Bears fan in France’s innocent request led Green Bay Packers quarterback Jordan Love to get clowned on for being a friendly guy. When a Twitter user named “ChrisD69” asked Love for a selfie after his workout at the QB Takeover Football Camp in Paris, he followed that up by asking Love to record a message asking the rising passer to wish French Bears fans a happy Father’s Day.

Love, being a nice guy, acquiesced. In a since-deleted Tweet, he looked into the camera and told the world “happy Father’s Day to all the Bears fans out there. Go Pack go.”

Which, hey, kinda nice of him, right? After a decade plus of Aaron Rodgers’ relentless trash talk at Chicago’s expense, Love was at least willing to offer a general pleasantry the Bears’ way.

But, of course, it’s June and we’ve got to argue over something, so the internet did what the internet does and ran with that. A bad-faith news aggregator got his hands on it, and in came the takes claiming Love had just called the Bears his daddy, Pedro Martinez style (he had not).

It’s all very stupid (especially the one guy who suggested Love said happy birthday. It’s a five second video man, how do you screw that up?) and a massive leap from what the actual clip says. So ChrisD69 deleted it and took to setting the record straight.

And, come Monday, Love chimed in on the non-controversy as well.

So, there you have it. A perfect June NFL non-story. Love didn’t say the Bears are his biological, but he did say he hopes their fans have a nice Father’s Day. Of course, that doesn’t mean this video will get thrown in his face the moment he suffers his first loss vs. Chicago.