Nick Saban shares the least relatable story ever in an appearance on Pat McAfee’s show

Nick Saban may seem like a relatively normal guy but sometimes we are reminded that he definitely is not like us.

There are times when Nick Saban can seem like an almost grandfatherly figure, a tough-but-fair patriarch of the college football world. He tells tales of his time as a youth working at his dad’s service station, gassing up trucks and changing tires. He eats the same turkey salad for lunch everyday and watches the Weather Channel. You know, Normal Guy Stuff.

Then there are days like today when we’re reminded that Nick Saban is not, in any way, like us.

Nick Saban only drives his Ferrari on Wednesdays, if it’s not raining. I drive my Ford Fiesta on days when my kids have dance class. We are not the same.