Nick Nurse has reached out to James Harden amid absence from Sixers

Nick Nurse did reach out to James Harden to check on him while he is away from the Philadelphia 76ers.

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CAMDEN, N.J. — The Philadelphia 76ers are preparing for opening night of the 2023-24 season when they travel to Milwaukee to take on the Bucks. They are looking to begin the Nick Nurse era on the right foot as they continue their chase for the Larry O’Brien trophy.

Off the court, the Sixers are still working through the James Harden trade request. At the moment, Harden is away from the Sixers due to a personal matter, which puts his availability for the opener in Milwaukee in question.

Harden has been a professional throughout this process since he rejoined the team for training camp in Colorado. He has participated in drills and been a good teammate. He has drawn high praise for it.

With Harden away from the team, Nurse still needs to run practice and prepare his team for the upcoming season.

“I did reach out to him the other day via text like I would with anybody,” Nurse explained. “Just seeing how he’s doing, seeing if he’s alright, and he did text me back.”

Considering this is a personal matter, Nurse said he did not get into Harden potentially playing for the Sixers. They are just going to go day by day with this.

“We didn’t get into any of that,” Nurse said. “I was just making sure he was OK.”

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