NFLPA President J.C. Tretter was unimpressed with Soldier Field’s field

NFLPA President J.C. Tretter added his name to the ever-increasing list of people unimpressed with Soldier Field’s playing surface.

You may have seen what Soldier Field’s playing field looked like before Saturday’s Bears-Chiefs game. It looked like people were practicing their nine-iron shots ahead of a Masters round with all the divots, when the real reason for the field’s raw shape was a recent Elton John concert.

Elton John concert leaves Soldier Field turf in rotten shape

NFLPA President and free-agent center J.C. Tretter was not amused.

Per the NFL’s operations website, here’s what’s supposed to go into assessing whether a natural playing field is acceptable for play:

Natural surfaces are tested for moisture content at the same time they are tested for hardness. Within 48 hours after a game, the field is also subject to a stability test, which measures how well it held up.

There is no single way to define exactly when a field is stable or when it should be resurfaced, so the league relies on an expert’s opinion. Field experts use the online Gameday Field Surface Reporting System to grade fields in three areas:

  • Surface shear (how easily grass separates from the soil), measured in nine locations
  • Percentage of the field covered by grass, measured in nine locations
  • Overall rating on a scale from 1 to 10

These criteria determine whether a surface is fine or needs to be repaired or replaced.

As it turns out, the Bears’ home turf may get worse before it gets better,

So… Rammstein, if you’re not familiar, is a German Goth-Metal band with perhaps the most insane pyro show you’ve ever seen. They’re set to play Soldier Field on Saturday, September 3, which gives everybody just over a week to recover from THIS before the Bears welcome the 49ers for the regular season opener on Sunday, September 11.

Yeah… good luck with that.