NFLPA president JC Tretter posts outlook toward 2020 season

NFLPA president JC Tretter looks at the upcoming season.

NFLPA president JC Tretter used his “President’s Corner” to look forward to the upcoming season. He said there are three keys to a successful campaign amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Per the thought piece of the Browns’ offensive lineman:

We will beat this virus by eliminating its ability to transmit to other people, and that comes through mitigation. There is no way to eliminate all risk in the game of football. Eventually, we will be on the football field, unable to physically distance and unable to wear masks. But what we can do is mitigate when we are not on the field.

For some players, COVID-19 has hit close to home through the loss of family members and loved ones. For others, no one in their circle has been impacted, or if they have contracted the virus, they experienced mild symptoms.

Speaking of masks, I know they can be hot and distracting. Standing at least six feet apart during a conversation feels unnatural. Ordering takeout instead of enjoying a nice night out isn’t as fun. There are countless examples of small trade-offs we are asking every person in football (and their families) to make so we can have a season. Inconvenient as they may feel, they are worthwhile measures to keep everyone as safe as possible.

To read the complete article, click here.