NFL win total prediction recap

Transparency and accountability are important in life, that’s why its time to review our team total over or under prediction from way back in August. There were some obvious hits, some huge misses – hello San Francisco and Buffalo – and some close …

Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports

Miami Dolphins: Line – 4.5, Actual – 5, Prediction – Under, Confidence – *

Arizona Cardinals: Line – 5, Actual – 5, Prediction – Under, Confidence – *

Oakland Raiders: Line – 6, Actual – 7, Prediction – Over, Confidence – *

New York Giants: Line – 6, Actual – 4, Prediction – Under, Confidence – **

We did well here. The Dolphins barely beat their win total expectation. The Cardinals actually pushed. The biggest hit here was the Giants with two confidence points — out of four — going under comfortably.