NFL proceeds with 2020 league year, free agency as scheduled

Despite concerns over starting free agency in the midst of the spread of COVID-19, the NFL announced that free agency would begin on time.

In a changing world, NFL fans were wondering if the league would proceed with free agency as scheduled this week. With the world adjusting to the threat of the spreading COVID-19 virus, and other sports league suspending operations and games for the time being, the NFL decided to continue with free agency as scheduled.

Many speculated that the growing trend of closures around the country would force the league to delay the start of free agency. With the Federal Government suggesting that Americans forgo domestic travel if possible, airlines cutting back on flight schedules, schools from coast-to-coast closing down and many states implementing curfews and closing down bars and restaurants, perhaps teams would find it difficult to engage in aspects of free agency. Meeting with players, team visits and even physicals could be difficult during this time.

In addition, with many teams instructing their scouts and personnel to work from home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, operations for front offices could also be hampered with so many employees working off-site. Plus, in some cases physical examinations are a big part of a pending free agency deal. Would teams be willing to sign players without having those done, or would organizations rely on examinations conducted by doctors outside the team?

Some also wondered if the optics of free agency proceeding as scheduled made sense for the league. With the world coming to grips with the spread of COVID-19 and harrowing images coming in from places like Italy, the idea of teams signing players to multi-million dollar contracts during this time might seem out of touch.

In the end, however, the league decided that proceeding with free agency was the best course of action. For many fans, whose lives have been altered by the current climate, the welcome distraction of free agency might be beneficial.

So with a new Collective Bargaining Agreement in place and free agency moving ahead as planned, a new league year is underway. The next potential item on the calendar to consider is the 2020 NFL Draft. It is currently scheduled for the end of April in Las Vegas, but in this ever-changing world you might want to wait before booking a flight or a hotel to Sin City for the draft.