NFL fans turned Ryan Tannehill checking in on the Titans from the medical tent into a hilarious meme

Tannehill had bigger fish to fry on the field.

Early on during the Tennessee Titans’ matchup with the Los Angeles Chargers, it looked like they were facing a worst-case scenario as they tried to lock in a playoff spot.

When starting quarterback Ryan Tannehill tried to keep an early third down alive, he was wrapped up awkwardly in a way that twisted his ankle in the turf. While he would eventually be OK and come back into the game, Tannehill’s injury didn’t look great at first glance. He would be evaluated in the medical tent before having to be carted off.

Of course, with so much riding on the end of the Titans’ season, Tannehill couldn’t help but check what was happening in the game. Cameras caught him hilariously peeking out from the top of the tent during his evaluation:

Knowing Tannehill turned out to be OK made this a great light moment for a player who was still so invested in his team’s play despite a potentially severe injury. Naturally, fans turned it into a meme when they saw Tannehill’s commitment to pro football shining through.