NFL fans thought the Jets turning back to a horrendous Zach Wilson at QB was hilarious

The Jets turned Zach Wilson into Thanos.

The New York Jets are 4-8 and in 14th place in the AFC standings. Aaron Rodgers is not coming back to play this season, and the general manager-head coach duo of Joe Douglas and Robert Saleh might have their jobs in danger. The 2023 disaster season in New York seemingly gets worse every week.

They’re turning to one man — one hero — to pull up from this tailspin: Zach Wilson.

After it was reported that Wilson rebuffed the Jets (and Rodgers) about returning as their starting quarterback, the team officially named him the starter anyway. Again, for posterity, one of the worst quarterbacks in the modern era didn’t want to play for the Jets anymore, and they appear to be forcing him to play because they legitimately have no other options.

What a hilarious mess:

For what it’s worth, Saleh claimed Wilson gives the Jets their best chance to win (that’s really sad, my goodness) and that he was actually fired up to play again. Hmm, I don’t believe that for a second!

The Jets stand out like a sore thumb in a pro football league rife with disappointment and misery. Only they could seemingly be dragged down by Rodgers’ drama and find themselves begging (then forcing?) to play the young quarterback they tore down openly in public.

Welcome to reality, Gang Green. You reap what you sow.