NFL fans react to the Dallas Cowboys reportedly parting ways with Jason Garrett

Jason Garrett’s time in Dallas is reportedly coming to an end.

It appears as if the long breakup between the Dallas Cowboys and Jason Garrett is finally going to reach the ending that everyone else has seen coming for quite some time.

According to a report Thursday night by ESPN’s Ed Werder, Jerry Jones has decided to move on from Garrett as head coach of the Cowboys and will start looking for the next coach once it becomes official.

Hopefully Jones will do the right thing and name himself the next head coach of the Cowboys. What a world that would be!

But seriously, did Jones really need to take four days to come to this conclusion? How dramatic. And how silly. Some people actually think the handling of this situation has been a kind one to Garrett, which is ridiculous. If you’re going to get fired or laid off you don’t want to have it play out over four freakin days. You want that band-aid ripped off in one quick and painful motion so you can then start moving on.

Jones didn’t do that, however. From the ESPN report:

A source told ESPN’s Ed Werder that after showing an “abundance of care and respect” for Garrett, Jerry Jones and Stephen Jones have decided the coach will not be part of the organization moving forward.

According to multiple sources, the Joneses and Garrett did not have their scheduled meeting at The Star on Thursday after meeting on Monday and Tuesday without any resolution on the coach’s status. Garrett’s contract is set to expire on Jan. 14 and his status with the team has been an issue since last February when the Cowboys opted not to offer him an extension.

With care and respect! I’m sure that meant the world to Garrett.

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