NFL Draft Guard, Center Rankings 2021: From The College Perspective

Who are the offensive guards and centers who’ll matter in the 2021 NFL Draft. What’s the college perspective on all of the top prospects?

3. Aaron Banks, Notre Dame (OG)

Size: 6-5, 338

The Good: Power, power, power.

Don’t worry about the lack of finesse, and don’t focus on what he isn’t. He’s a big blocker who’ll separate his man from a desire to keep playing football with the finishing ability to keep pounding away for a full four quarters.

You’re not moving the guy. He’s got the base and the size to take over at times and be the one you work an entire game plan for the ground attack around.

For mostly good over bad, you know what you’re getting – if you want one of the five guys on your O line win the battle of toughness, here you go.

The Not-So-Good: Again, though, he’s only a guard without the ability to work as a tackle – if you care about that. You won’t find a stronger blocker, but that’s what he is – he doesn’t get on the move and there’s little subtlety to his game.

Basically, if you’re in a quick, finesse offense that relies on athletic linemen who can get on the move, you might have to look elsewhere. The feet just aren’t there to dance.

NFL Draft College Perspective Thought: Don’t get caught up in Banks not being Quenton Nelson – no one can be asked to be that on an NFL O line. He’ll drop because he’s a guard, but he’s going to be far, far more productive than most of the players who go before him. Put him at right guard, ask him to block his man for the run game, repeat.

Projected Round: Second

NEXT: 2021 NFL Draft Guard, Center Rankings No. 2