There’s never a dull moment in Notre Dame land. Just when you feel like things have leveled off for the Irish after a chaotic last couple of weeks, boom, more breaking news. This week the news is that Notre Dame offensive coordinator Gerad Parker will soon be named Troy’s head coach.
Around and around we go.
As for the fan base, there are certainly some folks who were excited to see what Parker could do in year 2 at the offensive helm, noting that his offense did average over 39 points-per-game. But the larger majority felt as though the offensive numbers were padded against poor defenses and then the offense struggled to accomplish much against the top-tier defenses faced. So here we sit. For now, quarterbacks coach Gino Guidugli will assume play-calling duties for the bowl game while the search for a replacement ensues.
Let’s examine some things to keep in mind regarding this dynamic.