Need a laugh? Check out these funny and informative golf instruction videos on TikTok

Need a laugh? Check out these funny and informative golf instruction videos on TikTok from an award-winning PGA of America teacher.

TikTok, a viral video-sharing social networking service, has become increasingly popular in the United States over the last year. People quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic flocked to the app to create short videos showcasing talents of all sorts.

Which leads us to Bobby Saavedra – @bobbygolfpga on TikTok – an Arizona resident and the 2019 Teacher of the Year for the Southwest Section of the PGA of America. Saavedra, who grew up playing music, mixed his two passions to create some informative – and pretty funny – golf instruction videos that have recently caught our eye.

If you don’t have the app (or care to download it), here’s a sneak peek at one of his most-recent videos on how to play from a bunker.

Next time you’re standing over your ball on the beach, good luck not singing “be confident, be confident.”