Nebraska continues preparations for Colorado

Nebraska head football coach Matt Rhule met with the media on Monday afternoon.

Nebraska head football coach Matt Rhule met with the media on Monday afternoon. He talked about the team’s preparations for their game this Saturday against Colorado.

On Colorado prep and what to expect: 

“Well, I think they have really good coaches. You go back and look at their coordinators. You look at Sean Lewis from Kent State, he’s a friend. He’s an excellent coach. He comes out of Art Briles’s tree. You’re going to get the ball run from B gap to B gap. They’re going to attack you on the perimeter. They’re going to take ten deep ball shots a game. They have the guys. They can go down the field and their ball skills are elite. They have a quarterback that can make those throws. It’s really a perfect storm and perfect hire. That style of offense with that skill set of guys they have, plus the altitude and tempo in Boulder, it’s really well thought out. On defense, obviously, Coach Kelly comes from the (Nick) Saban tree. You watch Florida State film and you can’t look at everything from what they did last week. Obviously, they were facing a new offense with TCU and it’s like two different worlds of what we played last week compared to now. We’re studying everything. They have a lot of new players and we have new players so this is their first time too. A lot of work has been done this summer and a lot of work has been done right now.”