NBA postpones all games Wednesday after teams including Thunder boycott

After the Bucks, Magic, Thunder and Rockets boycotted their games to protest the response the shooting of Jacob Blake, the NBA announced all games Wednesday are postponed.

The Milwaukee Bucks boycotted Game 5 of their series against the Orlando Magic after the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The Magic followed suit, also boycotting the game.

Not long after, The Athletic’s Shams Charania reported that the Oklahoma City Thunder and Houston Rockets had also decided to boycott their game.

Then, Charania tweeted that the Los Angeles Lakers and Portland Trail Blazers would not play either.

Minutes later, he reported that the NBA had decided to postpone all games Wednesday as the league and players decide what to do.

NBA players in the bubble will meet Wednesday night to discuss further steps, according to Charania.

With the announcement of the postponement, there officially will not be any forfeits from the players’ decisions Wednesday.

Blake was shot in the back seven times by a police officer on Sunday as he opened the door to his car. He survived but is paralyzed, the family’s attorney told CBS News.

Police had reportedly been called for a domestic incident. Blake’s family said Blake had gotten out of his car to try to break up the fight, according to ABC Chicago. Video shows police following him with their guns out as he walked back to his car, and after Blake opened the door, he was shot several times.

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