NBA and college basketball analysts weigh in on LeBron’s plans for Bronny James

Speculation is abundant, but if you were to guess how LeBron will play his cards, one scenario seems more likely than others.

Everyone in the basketball world is wondering what LeBron James will do next. It’s a very significant question on a lot of levels, as you can appreciate.

Bronny James and his USC career represent one notable part of a much larger picture. There is a lot to sort out and unpack here, so let’s go piece by piece in looking at all the details of a very complicated situation.

You will want to follow our partners at LeBron Wire for more coverage of this multi-pronged situation. Using some of the stories at LeBron Wire as a foundation for our analysis, let’s move forward and discuss the main components of this fascinating basketball journey.

If there is one point of relative clarity here, it’s that LeBron James is not retiring. That seems like a lot of smoke with no fire. LeBron has made no secret of his desire to play with Bronny James in the NBA. The idea that LeBron’s playing career is done seems highly unlikely. It doesn’t seem worth entertaining that scenario as a realistic possibility unless or until LeBron does something to warrant a different level of concern on that front.